The Forgetting Curve Strikes Again

Did you know that within one hour, a person forgets nearly half of what they learn; moreover, people forget almost two-thirds of previously-learned information within 24 hours? His experiments found that a person actually forgets a large part of what they learn within...

An A.I. Boss in a Box

Meet our A.I. Boss in a Box that works 24 hour a day never sleeping nor gets frustrated and shows NO partiality. A.I. is the talk of the tech world, a fast-moving technology, changing the way many companies will operate NOW and in the future. In the same way, BMP is a...

A Tightly Wound Business Owner

A Tightly Wound Business Owner? SO, how do you Unwind and Gain Control of Business Frustrations? We started with our biggest frustration; or you might say the biggest leak in our operational boat. In other words, we identified a workflow process where the most...

4 Musts for Hiring a Business Coach

Hiring a Business Coach? The two typical reasons business owners seek a business coach is their business is faltering, and/or, they are burned-out due to lack of systematic organization. Whereby, desperation sets in, so they make a hasty decision to hire a SAVIOR. At...