You Can’t Steer a Parked Car

“You can’t steer a parked car,” said the host of a recent podcast. Although his subject had little to do with the business world, it reminded me of the countless business owners we’ve encountered over the years. Yep, we have witnessed many small businesses that seem...

A Business Owner’s Catch-22

What is a business owner’s Catch-22? In short, it all revolves around TIME, that thing business owners always seem to lack. Communicating with small business owners globally, it’s clear they mainly struggle with the same issues. Sadly, when discussing a FIX for those...

Arrive At Your Expected End

As a business owner, how will you arrive at your expected end? How do you make those ideas and dreams of yours happen for your business? Do you just keep your nose to the grindstone, completing one job or service after another, running here and there, hoping it will...

The Business Owner’s Dilemma

What is the business owner’s dilemma that keeps many from attaining their goals? It’s a common predicament, keeping most entrepreneurs from realizing their vision of freedom and financial independence. The dilemma for entrepreneurs is, they see a new opportunity...

The Pain of Being Average

What plagues most small business owners, the world over, is the pain of being average!  But “average” is a preventable condition. Just a few weeks ago, I heard a gospel minister discuss the reality that, “When we don’t pursue our best, and we settle for average, there...