Revelation to Revolution in TQM

One of the pioneers, whose revelation for fixing quality issues in production and service, leading to a revolution in TQM (Total Quality Management), was W. Edward Deming. Deming was an educator, lecturer, author, and an internationally renowned consultant. He also...

Throw Down the Gauntlet

When is enough, ENOUGH?  When will business owners throw down the gauntlet and issue a challenge to their employees? More importantly, a challenge to THEMSELVES. THE CHALLENGE? To defeat the ENEMY of all businesses. The adversary who opposes a clean, peaceful, and...

Your Reasonable Service

As a business owner, what is your REASONABLE service to clients and employees? Should you deem service to clients MORE important than your employees? You may be surprised to learn, as we were, that serving employees systematically will in turn ensure quality service...

Do The Math – If You Dare!

When business owners hem and haw about fixing the disorganization in their business, we simply tell them, “DO THE MATH!” Think about it. What is the TRUE COST of dumb mistakes, late delivery of products & services, and frustrating workflow miscommunications in...

A Wild Enthusiastic Optimist

How do you become a wild enthusiastic optimist concerning your business? Start by considering! For instance, CONSIDER how many times employees interrupt you by asking for needed instructions to move forward with their job. How often do they ask you where something is...