Fix What You Have First

A forward-thinking business vision is important. Nevertheless, it’s more important that you FIX WHAT YOU HAVE FIRST, before taking the next step. The old adage, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” applies here. Owners of messy businesses often have a...

Ready IN Season and OUT of Season

Being ready IN and OUT of season should be every small business owner’s top priority. Especially, for owners who have a vision to GROW, and grow peacefully! A conscientious owner must be READY to handle an onslaught of new sales; along with operations running like a...

Controlling the Road to Success

Controlling the road to success is a foreign concept, for those recently acquiring a small business!  Since success, in all probability, has not yet occurred for the new business owners, they have yet to consider the need for controlling that road. Most new business...

Some Things Fix Themselves?

The belief that some things fix themselves, when referring to business problems, is a pipe dream. Nevertheless, among business professionals there is the notion that some things fix themselves just by cleaning, covering up and moving on from the mess the “THING”...