Destroying the Works of Bamboozlement

What ARE the works of bamboozlement?  To “bamboozle” is to deceive, dupe, hoodwink or fool another by underhanded methods. It also means to confuse, frustrate, or purposely throw someone off-track. If you are experiencing that in your business, I suggest you expose...

Prosperity with Purpose

Prosperity with purpose is vital when making the decision to start or acquire a business! Questions for you:  What purpose would inspire and motivate you, year-after-year, to embrace the adversity that WILL come with business ownership? Likewise, what purpose...

Power to Tread on Chaos

There is only one way to attain power to tread on chaos in business operations! In short, you must take dominion, by harnessing the root cause of chaos. Therefore, systemizing workflow processes, equipment maintenance, and human resources, etc. is KEY. In addition,...

A Tightly Wound Business Owner

“You’re a GRINDER, Philip!” my dentist told me one day, years ago. He assessed my condition as Bruxism; whereby, you grind, gnash, or clench your teeth. Yep, that was me back then; a tightly-wound business owner who carried my work frustrations home, manifesting in...

What is Your Credibility Score?

As a business owner, your credibility score with clients, vendors, and employees is determined by their direct observation. In other words, when you tell someone you will call them back, send them a late payment, or that you want to do lunch, etc…. DO YOU MEAN...