Why is WHY the Perfect Question?

Why is WHY the Perfect question? Most parents remember those persistent questions from their 3-year-old, i.e., “WHY is the sky blue?”… “WHY can’t frogs fly?”…etc. You give the child your best off-the-cuff answer, and with a puzzled look they quickly ask, “WHY?” So,...

Getting the Expected Accepted

Getting the expected ACCEPTED by employees and others is a roadblock for many small business owners. Especially, when using VERBAL communications for their ideas and plans. Not to mention, explaining verbally how employees should perform important processes in...

The Start-Stop-Start-Stop Syndrome

Do you know someone who habitually starts a project, only to stop before finishing; and then starts another? That’s someone showing signs of the “START-STOP-START-STOP Syndrome.” To be fair, we’ve all had issues with distractions, causing temporary work stoppage....

The File by Piling System of Clutter

The “file by piling system” found in many small businesses is a common method for keeping some semblance of order. Unfortunately, this is an unconscious way of putting things off. Consequently, when a business has no system of cleanliness to ensure the daily return of...

The Unfortunate Myths in Business

The unfortunate myths believed by countless business owners and managers dictate the way many small businesses operate. Regrettably, these mythologies take root in the minds of small business owners and are difficult to remove. In fact, these myths tend to act as...