Working for a “Well Done!”

Most people hope to hear “Well done!” believing they have done a good job at something. However, even working and doing your best, may find you disappointed. Why? Not all owners and supervisors have the same management and/or social skills. Truth is, in many cases,...

Conditional Logic – If-Then-Else

Conditional Logic, simply put, is… if X happens, then what should be the next step? Moreover, what are ALL the next logical steps necessary to ensure compliance, and complete processes without errors? i.e., IF such-and-such happens, THEN what’s next, and then what...

Your Talent is Your Authority

Everyone is born with a talent unique to them! However, too few develop that talent to its fullest potential. Simply because, they never grasp the concept, “Your talent is your authority.” Consequently, by not developing their special talent, they pass their allotted...