The March to Zero Errors

Listening to some business owner, would think a march to zero errors, was trip to neverland. A pipe dream! Impossible, says the faint of heart. Nevertheless, we are happy to report, there ARE a few RARE BIRDS that get close to that goal. Not to mention, those who are...

A Culture of Unbelief

What is a culture of unbelief in small business? And, what creates a pessimistic mindset in employees toward their job and employer? This type of culture stems from owners NOT following up on what they SPEAK. For example, an owner saying they will FIX an issue causing...

The War Within Business

The daily management of predictable and UN-predictable events is what makes for the seemingly eternal and frustrating war within business. These events are the thousands of processes that run a business. Gaining a handle on them is a battle that can be won! The good...