System100™ Bill of Lading System for Shipping Dept.

bill-of-ladingCan’t find the hard copy of a Bill of Lading, and now a customer has requested a copy. OK, open the administration section of the System100 Bill of Lading System and simply print out the one you’re looking for, then fax or email the PDF to your customer. Only takes a few seconds with our easy to use Bill of Lading system. Another time saving application for the shipping department!


Avoid Having a Different Bill of Lading for Each Freight Line

Logging in to various freight companies for a Bill of Lading can be frustrating for shipping managers. Especially, those companies who are switching freight lines as often as one changes their socks.

Our system has drop downs for pulling in Customers, Users, and Job Numbers, etc. This makes filling out bills of lading fast and fully track-able.

When a user completes a Bill-of-Lading and clicks SUBMIT online, the system automatically creates a PDF of the document; emailing it to management for review. It also stores the data into the System100™ database for review and printable reports.

Remember, this system may be turned OFF or ON, as it only applies to certain industries.

Other Elements
• Auto numbering
• Filter by Date

Searchable By
• Assigned Number
• Job Number
• Employee Shipping
• Consignee (Ship To)

Auto fill
• Drop Downs: Freight Companies, Ship To’s and Employees etc.

One Simple System Will Reduce One Business Frustrations!