Have you ever witnessed a business management software failure to launch, where expectations were high for improving operations;

Time and money were spent, yet it just never got off the ground?

Most small companies use MIS Software, aka Management Information Systems to manage services and production of products.

However, the reality is, most companies only utilize 20% of the software’s features.

We’ve heard horror stories like a company purchasing a fifty-thousand-dollar MIS Software; and had a complete failure to launch. In fact, a crash and burn.

Where the software was never used, and they reverted back to their old system.

Let me say this as clearly as I can.

For ALL business non-conformance, resulting in errors… or existing management software used inconsistently… or implementation of NEW systems that fail to launch; there is a searchable and predictable ROOT CAUSE as to WHY.

Here are three of the main reasons.

In most instances, the system’s implementation is placed in the hands of Mr. or Mrs. Good Intentions which have less than a Fat Chance of getting it done.

In other words, once the business owner sees the need of a management system, they often pass the implementation of the project to a staff member who tends to be less motivated and has NO vision for the System.

So, when the system fails to launch, the owner often gives up and looks for the next elusive quick fix. Claiming there’s just no time to do it right.

Despite the fact, that management software is the most important system in a manufacturing or service company!