The True Purpose of Business

Purpose of Business
What is the true purpose of business? Most business professionals would say it’s “to make a profit.” Truth is, without profit, a business won’t survive. In short, NO profit, NO business! The dilemma with saying that out loud is, the idea of making a profit...

Customer Experience Mapping that Works

customer experience mapping
Customer Experience Mapping was an exciting side benefit we discovered, when implementing our quality assurance systems. Whereby, we mapped out our job and service processes using step-by-step prompts to ensure quality. We then added special prompts for...

Take Advantage of the COVID Slowdown

Take Advantage of the COVID Slowdown
What’s the best time to implement Business Process Management in order to systematize a business? The answer is simple. Any slowdown is a great time to improve business organization. Therefore, take advantage of the COVID slowdown! More importantly, don’t let fear of...

Profile of an Ideal Employee

profile of an ideal employee
Hiring a new employee should not be a loosey-goosey affair! Therefore, a written profile of an ideal employee is an important first step to consider, to avoid hiring the wrong person. Most small business owners keep the characteristics of a good employee in the back...

The Silver Bullet Business System

The Silver Bullet Business System
When hearing business owners complain about employees not adhering to company protocol, we point them to a very simple solution. What’s known as “The Silver Bullet Business System” is the answer to their problem. As we often state, the answer to every frustration in...

Rich is in the Niche | Business Systems

“Rich is in the Niche” is a well-known fact among companies appealing to a small, specialized section of the population. These companies have learned by narrowing the number of products and services, it affords them more time to concentrate on quality and service....