Get the RE out of Your Business

Get the RE Out of Your Business
Your best laid plans are doomed to failure, if you don’t get the RE out of your business! So, why is it bad for business, and what the heck does “RE” mean? Fact is, RE is a prefix, a loanword from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again”...

How to Resolve Conflicts in Business

Resolving Conflicts in Business
How to resolve conflicts in a business varies in methodology.  Some companies use meetings to inform employees of conflicts, and for resolving them. Using this method, the agreed-upon solution to a conflict must be committed to employees’ memory. Hopefully, this will...

Business Bugs – Infestation Control

Business Bugs
Many small businesses reside in neglected conditions, whereby “business bugs” creep about wreaking havoc in company operations. Not to be confused with computer software bugs, these “bugs” cause HUMAN errors and miscommunications, along with other visible disorder. As...