by Philip Beyer | Dec 27, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
The Business Axiom of Systematic Management changed my life when reading just two chapters of a well-known business book. The axioms contained in its pages took me on a 30-year adventure of spreading a gospel of business management using well-designed systems. Equally...
by Philip Beyer | Dec 14, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
Some people apply the old adage, “before the rooster crows,” to various circumstances, without fully understanding its meaning or importance. I believe a great use of it would be a predictable event in business! The old saying came from a two-thousand-year-old story...
by Philip Beyer | Oct 29, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
“Buck Private” is military slang for a person of the lowest rank, always “bucking” for promotion to rise in authority without real accountability. Similarly, Buck Private Management in business is an owner subordinating leadership to a lesser-experienced and...
by Philip Beyer | Oct 13, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
The usual reason some business owners seek to hire a business coach is, because their business is faltering. Typically, desperation has set in and they make a hasty decision to hire a savior. At this point, they tend to use a loosey-goosey, Russian Roulette method in...
by Philip Beyer | Oct 6, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
Business Evolution is the process of growth, expansion and advancement of business entities, due to direct intervention of management. This contrasts with the scientific theory of evolution that contends, life advances due to the survival of the fittest over eons of...
by Philip Beyer | Sep 26, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
Any small business owner will tell you, one of their most time-consuming activities is hiring and training new employees. Interestingly, owners rarely conceive of giving that task to someone else. In fact, training trainers on all processes, like employee orientation...
by Philip Beyer | Sep 22, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
If you had to guess, what would you say the Number ONE reason was for business screw-ups? Specifically, what’s the main reason for stupid errors, dumb reoccurring questions, unclear communications, employee un-civil war and blunders? The reason may surprise you!...
by Philip Beyer | Sep 22, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
The top business topic discussed in business magazines, blogs, videos, seminars and conventions is SALES. Moreover, “sales” is usually the MAIN focal point when business owners enlist business coaches and consultants. Why? Think about it, it’s often said, “Nothing...
by Philip Beyer | Sep 15, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
Customer Service as Art may be a bridge too far, when considering a memorable analogy. However, studying the efforts some companies make, and the thousands of dollars they spend on recruiting and training CSR’s, there’s a case to be made for this analogy. I like the...
by Philip Beyer | Sep 8, 2018 | The Organizer Blog
What is the plight of perpetual proximity management to a small business owner or manager? In other words, what’s the outcome of having to constantly be present, hovering over employees, with up-close management? Did you know people hate constant up-close management?...
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