What Brings Business Chaos into Order?

Our business is helping small business owners bring order to their business, one system at a time. To be sure, it’s not for the faint of heart, but the award is priceless. During the last fifteen plus years, we’ve encountered various methods owners use for keeping...

Business Owners Are Big Fat Liars!

Business Owners Are Big Fat Liars
I am an entrepreneur, a long-time business owner, so I can tell you (I used to hear it a lot)… BUSINESS OWNERS ARE BIG FAT LIARS! …About quality …About service …About delivery dates …And to cover up mistakes! Now that I’ve got the hair standing up on the back of...

A Not-Forgotten Hero of Business

not forgotten hero
I was privileged to meet a real hero as I began my journey into the business world. I’m forever grateful for that! It’s an honor to remember and thank any of those business heroes who came before us and affected our world view. I want to share here, a memory I...

Cloud Computing | In The IN-Cloud

in cloud computing
As a business owner, I believe you might consider the following, and then get on board with cloud computing. As a result, you have more free time! Are you part of the savvy business “IN-crowd” that’s operating In-Cloud? You may be aware that outsourcing...