by Philip Paul Beyer | May 2, 2016 | The Organizer Blog
A Scheduling System for On-Time, Every-Time delivery of product or service, is crucial for any small business looking to separate themselves from the competition. More importantly, seeking to gain and sustain client trust, through good systems, helps to maximize...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Apr 11, 2016 | The Organizer Blog
You’ve probably heard the term Customer Experience Mapping being touted these days in the business world. So, what is it? Customer Experience Mapping allows for diagrams that illustrate the stages customers go through while interacting with a business. This includes...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Oct 7, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
A lack of clear instructions creates stress and mistakes in a business! Speaking of clear instructions and communication… My wife and I own a ten-acre farm property in Liberty, Tennessee, about an hour from our home. The other day a man with a pronounced...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Sep 16, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
Having trouble with discipline, to achieve your wildly important business goals? Recently, I received an excited phone call from a client and friend who was attending a large national conference. “Kent” was chomping at the bit to share about a seminar he...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Sep 16, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
Are you practicing blind accounting? How much do you really know about your own company’s financials? Are you able to pull a report at any given moment on the following: 1) How much does your company owe others, and how long have you owed them? [These are your...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Jun 22, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
Are you aware there are THIEVES In Your Business? It makes my day when I get a call from an on-fire customer! This past week I heard from a special client named Charlie, wanting to give me an idea for one of my blogs. You see, Charlie owns one of three companies...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Apr 6, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
It’s always wise to count the cost of a project, against the cost of doing nothing! Has this ever happened to you? You failed to act on something at the right time and the lesson was severe. If you could go back, would you make the same decision, to do NOTHING?...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Mar 9, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
Business disorder is a real pain! So, does it require aspirins or vitamins? If it was just a headache, generally you could down a couple of ASPIRIN and shortly the pain would subside. Soon, even the memory of the pain would be gone and things would seem to get back...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Feb 25, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
Organizing chaos is the stuff of headaches and frustration for some businesses! The problem is, mere “order” tends to be a temporary fix, and then chaos returns. However, systemization can bring order to order, permanently! My wife Susan and I enjoy...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Feb 16, 2015 | The Organizer Blog
The number one reason most people want to buy or start a business is to achieve financial freedom. Moreover, part of that dream is to gain FREE time to do those things we all dream of accomplishing—your “bucket list?” However, is it a small business owner calling, or...
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