Messy Business | The Lost Coin

messy business
Many businesses lose thousands of dollars each year due to their chronically messy business. Disorder tends to cause tension for those forced to spend their days dealing with it and living in it! I hope you’ll indulge me, telling you an ancient story about a woman who...

Many Mini Me’s – More Workers

many mini mes more workers
As the founder and visionary for my business, like other owners I might wish I had many mini me’s, like more workers on the job! Think of it, a large contingent of YOU’s in your business. All on the same page, all on board with your vision, and raring to...

I Would Hate It, Too!

system specialist
My son Brandon, a systems specialist with our company, loves training owners and managers on systems that help grow their businesses. He believes, as I do, that without systems a business is only spinning its wheels. But, with the right systems, a business is bound to...

Starbucks—A Cupful of Systems!

starbucks systems
Starbucks has a great system that ensures products, services, and their brand, are held to the highest possible standard. It’s almost embarrassing to realize I visit Starbucks coffee stores so frequently they tend to know me by name! If my wife Susan...