by Philip Paul Beyer | Nov 25, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Phillip Crosby, a quality consultant defined quality as “being in conformance to our customer’s requirements, which is accomplished by doing things right the first time.” As a “Quality” preacher/evangelist for over 25 years, I am adding...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Nov 11, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
“You’re not going to see a Grande White Mocha with an extra shot of espresso, spill out of a CUP OF TEA,” my friend Rob said yesterday. “What comes out of your cup when it’s tipped over is what was IN your cup in the first place! In other...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Nov 8, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Employee changes can be a pain! When experienced employees leave for “greener pastures,” or any other reason, that expertise can walk out the door with them. That is, unless you’ve implemented good control systems! One afternoon, as I walked through...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Oct 28, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
There’s a philosophy to follow when implementing and understanding business systems. “Don’t let things you DON’T know, confuse the things you DO know!” You may have heard this before? But where you really listening? Hearing that statement...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Sep 30, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Listening to a radio host, recently, reminded me of The Law of Entropy that had nearly taken my business down years ago. Fact is, in the early 1990’s we knew very little about business systems. However, we knew a lot about the frustration and pain caused by business...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Aug 12, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Are you ready for new business practices and quality control systems to grow your business? Or will you continue with business as usual, that has brought chaos and frustration? A story has long been told, in the writings of a wise, first century physician named Luke....
by Philip Paul Beyer | Jul 29, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Sitting in a motivational seminar, you get many great ideas from speakers on growing your business… how you can do that! Then you can hardly wait to get back to the office to start implementing “that.” Then you meet a constituent in the hallway,...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Jul 15, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Some businesses and employees take to quality control systems implementation like ducks take to water; however, then there are those business exceptions! The new general manager of a certain company that was experiencing problems, invited me to pay a visit. My...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Jun 24, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
If asked to write down what each person under your management does each day or, let’s say, what they’re supposed to be doing… Could you, do it? Do you have a daily routine checklist for every key employee? You think so? Okay, could you write down HOW...
by Philip Paul Beyer | Jun 4, 2013 | The Organizer Blog
Hype and slick promotions, without the ability to deliver on advertised promises, is not a winning business strategy! Only the application of service & quality assurance systems allows a business to consistently meet its customers’ highest expectations!...
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