The Theory of Broken Windows

Theory of Broken Windows
Recently, as a guest on TharsternTV, we compared the “Theory of Broken Windows” with the 100% System of Cleanliness in business. The “Theory of Broken Windows” introduced in 1982, impacted police work in the following decades. This theory uses broken windows as an...

Confronting the Author of Confusion

Author of Confusion
Confronting the “author of confusion,” head-on, can be intimidating, even scary! Not surprisingly, this mysterious unwelcome visitor seems to target small businesses, waiting for the opportunity to create turmoil. Some say the author of confusion is simply the ebb and...

A Place Called THERE

Place Called There
Believe it or not, there IS a place called THERE!  For years, many small business owners have shared with us their desire to go “there”. In fact, in their mind’s eye they can described how it looks, how orderly and peaceful it seems “there”. No doubt, the desire is...

We Will Refund Your Misery

Refund Your Misery
Dear small business owner, are you living the life of “Les Miserables”? If so, take a few minutes to consider business process systemization. And, if you don’t like what you read here, we will refund your misery! Unless of course, you are okay with having little free...

This is What I Know

This is what I know
As a business owner for over three decades, THIS IS WHAT I KNOW. When there is no written operations manual for how a business runs, it’s a sure sign the owner has that critical information locked in his or her head. Therefore, when employees need access to that...