Recently, I facilitated a Webinar demo of our business management software for the owner of a printing company and a group of his managers. Specifically, they needed help with the integration of an Operations Manual.
One of the managers asked, “Why do we need your system to bring order to our business? We are many times the size of your company and very profitable!
Besides,” the manager continued, “isn’t a certain amount of chaos to be expected in our industry?”
Before I could answer, the owner shot back at the manager, “We may be profitable, but I’m tired of the chaos; it’s very stressful. I’m the one who has to stay at the office, even if I’m sick, to make sure a large project gets done on time and without errors.”
Is Chaos Normal in Business?
The owner told us he had run a 104° temperature, at one point, but was unable to leave the building for fear the company would lose a great deal of money on a certain project. Sounded like, “If you think I’m just doing this for my health, you’re RIGHT!” This owner had decided that making money isn’t the only thing in life. Furthermore, he was tired of missing out on events in his children’s lives.
The owner’s business had grown rapidly and had opportunities to expand further. However, the chaos was growing exponentially, as well; sadly, his business was experiencing diminishing returns with that new growth.
I could really identify with this owner, as those things had happened to me, before I learned the power of systems. Over the past decade, I’ve heard many stories from owners and managers expressing similar frustrations. Honestly, it’s puzzling that so many are willing to live with the pain, year after year!
As we demonstrate our systems software, the first thing many want to know is the profit side of implementing systems. Specifically, they ask about Quality Control, Communications and Preventative Maintenance systems, etc. Increased profit is a given, if you FIRST, bring order to your business with written systems. Secondly, you must install a system of accountability that makes it all work!
My prime motivation for implementing systems in my business, as with this particular owner, was not just profit. Business prosperity was surely desirable; however, I also wanted PEACE in my life. Particularly, the peace that systems would bring to our employees and, most importantly, our customers!
I was certain, if we reduced errors, eliminated bottlenecks, and our equipment operated at peak performance, surely business prosperity AND peace would come.
What Tools Can Help Ensure Business Prosperity?
- Quality Control Checklists for every key process
- Daily Routine Checklists for all key personnel
- Policies that clearly leave nothing to interpretation
- Procedures for all key tasks
- Document Management
- Preventative Maintenance for all equipment
- Data Base Maintenance
- Inventory
- Accounting
- Communication and Reporting
* Internet & Intranet
* Email—External & Internal
* Request for Leave
* Suggestions for Improvement
* Repair Request
* Special Tasks
* Non-Conforming Events/System Busters (The key system to sustain all systems)
* Companywide and Department Calendars
* Scheduling of Work & Services
* Floor Data Collection
* Scheduling—Work & Services
* Requisition of tools and supplies
These systems need to be written and organized into an Operations Manual. Additionally, whenever possible, they need to be automated into online systems that are easily accessible to every member of the organization. Furthermore, each member of the organization should be an integral part of designing and improving these tools.
With the right systems, YOU are in control of your business, instead of the BUSINESS controlling you!
PROFIT and PEACE, the two ‘P’s in the ProsPerity, give an owner the confidence to risk running a business every day; not to mention, the CAPITAL to retool and hire needed workers.
Did I mention—Great Systems Work!