No experience necessary, no references needed, and no particular education requirements. No application or resume to submit.
Guaranteed: all the overtime you want. Set your own hours and vacation times. Company car provided, plus your own office. Mobile phone and computer also part of the perks.
Does that sound like a job at which anyone in their right mind would JUMP? You would think many would be jumping OVER each other to secure a job like that! However, the truth is, only a very few will answer THIS Want Ad. Why?
Looking a little closer at the ad above, it’s a job only the few, the proud, the independent-thinking, big-idea-dreaming, relatively fearless (not to mention, often initially-clueless) would risk taking on!
The Want Ad header might better read…
Own Your Own Small Business
RESUME? Some who risk business ownership have no high school education and lack a college degree of any kind. Moreover, many are self-taught (or paid close attention while working for others), and have become highly-educated in their field.
THEIR GOAL? To be always learning and improving. These self-starters don’t limit themselves based on their background, but see the future as what counts. They don’t reside in yesterday’s accomplishments, but work to prove themselves every day, hoping to get a hit every time at bat.
REGARDING OVERTIME? Those who choose business ownership will work 50 to 80 hours per week and rarely take vacation days. With no option to complain to the boss that things are “too rough,” they figured out early on who the REAL boss is: THE CUSTOMER. Yet, if the risk pays off, they will happily have hundreds of “bosses”!
Yes, business ownership has some perks, but remember, an owner does not get paid unless the company is PROFITABLE. Somehow that word has been stigmatized in today’s culture. Hmm!
A business owner may get a check each week; however, without profits, the money may be borrowed or come from savings. Imagine borrowing the money for your paycheck each week; now imagine doing that for a couple of years. I hear of many small business owners who are doing just that in today’s economy. Still, they are willing to put up their life savings and homes as collateral, in order to keep their business operating and paying salaries for others. All that, hoping the economy will allow them, once again, to make the risk all worthwhile. How’s that for a system!?
Helping Other Businesses Gain Control
I’m happy to say, one of my businesses is helping other small business owners gain control of their day-to-day operations. We want to help them improve their quality of life; to receive MORE, not less, benefits from their years of hard work. That matters to me!
I’m convinced, however, that without good systems, many owners will continue working long hours, risking their savings and homes, without reaping any rewards.
If our nations leaders were more business savvy; moreover, they would understand how to keep the engine of commerce and job creation growing. A good understanding of business and the economy would cause them to recognize and uplift business owners, who provide 80% of the jobs in American. By the same token, they would ease up on what has become strangling regulations and taxation on small businesses!
On the one hand, as a nation we say, to job-creating entrepreneurs, “Get out there, you can make it, just go for it!” That’s the American Dream! Sadly, however, when someone steps out and takes the risk, the next message they hear is, “You need to give most of what you earned to us. After all, it’s only fair!”
Who are “us”? I would say it’s the ones who would never answer the Want Ad above.
FINAL NOTE: POOR systems waste and rob from the profits of hard work.
But, did I mention? GREAT Systems Work?